One of the many public services we like to perform is in the provision of films that teachers can run while the kids fall asleep in class. We remember our childhoods very well and always welcomed the down time of a good "Alagasco" film. "Attack of the Branch Dude" is part of a series of films to explain to children why the lights go out. We wouldn't say they are exactly acts of God, but definately and positively not acts of Tallapoosa River Electric Cooperative. Next time the the lights go out kids can imagine the Branch Dude ripping up our lines and our heros of the repair crew fighting him with whatever that stuff was that they put on those Auburn trees. But I digress. Having not seen this feature, I don't exactly know why they have chosen me to write this review. Sometimes I think they do not know what is going on around here.... to be truthful.
lol, you are welcome. Satire, merely satire.