Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Coop, Co-Op, or Corporation?

Tallapoosa River Electric Cooperative, Inc. is not a just a coop really. I mean it doesn't have any chickens in it that I know of. Though there was a time when they were sued for killing quite a number of a farmer's chicks back in the 50's I think it was. The farmer won. It must have been a massive amount of money for him. The Coop mounted up a loss in court to a farmer. That must have taken some mismanagement. They weren't providing the right amount of volts. Sound familar? :)

These are all small things. A farmer, even as a single member of the coop, really doesn't mean much to a coop but sometimes small unimportant people make a difference. I feel like if I try to do almost anything in life, almost ANYTHING, I can get it done. It might take years and years, but I can get probably get an achievable thing done if I obsess enough. :)

I've always liked Monk. Great show.


Co-op or Coop or COOP may refer to
  • A cooperative organization, association, or company owned by its members
  • A pen or enclosure for birds, such as a chicken coop, or slang for a prison
A company owned by members is a coop. Also slang for a prison is a coop. Tallapoosa River Electric Cooperative, Inc. is indeed a coop, in more ways than one. If you buy a property inside the area of TREC you will learn rapidly about the odd slang definition of the word "coop."

Currently I have no Internet. That isn't TREC's problem THIS time. That is another company's problem... well unless some TREC personell acidentally cut the line when the were doing some digging next to my house. Who knows? There is a brand new recently positioned box that says "electric" on it next to my house. It looks either new or they just uncovered the mud on top.

I doubt they cut my line. But I still post. I'm just obsessed, like Monk. I have a goal in mind. It would not cost them a penny. Alas, it is a goal I will probably never reach. Yet, just, possibly... I mean the Supreme Court decision yesterday. Achievable things are possible.

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